Yes, we can assess the draft price of your goods via images, and we won't charge you for it. Once the draft price is agreed and item is sent into our office, the sale is contractually binding unless a revision to the final price is made after physical assessment. To which, if the seller does not agree to, we will have the item returned back to you.

Yes, it may significantly affect our purchase price. We recommend that you keep all accessories when you buy new items. However, even if there are no accessories, we will be glad to purchase from you as long as the item is authentic.

We can give you a draft price based in the photos sent. Please make sure the item's true condition is accurately presented when taking photos. The price quoted from photos are a draft quotation only, and the final price will be based on the final assessment of the physical goods.

We will inform you of the price through email, WhatsApp, or phone.

We may assess them at a much lower price depending on the item's marketability.

Once the draft price is agreed and the item is sent into our office, the sale is contractually binding if no revision is made after physical assessment.

If price revision is made upon physical assessment and you are are not satisfied with the price, we will promptly arrange for a return. We do not charge any cancellation or assessment fees.

We buy everything designer from bags, clothing, accessories, fashion jewellery, watches and shoes.

Yes. By law, we require your personal identification everytime you use our Sell-Now service.

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